Nowhere Development Status
Current Version: Alpha 91
Release: TBA
Last tweet: 1000 days ago

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Game won't start again.

I had an issue earlier with getting windows to recognize the game itself, but that was just me not doing WinRAR right, and unfortunately I've run into another problem with the game. After I've clicked "nowhere.bat" in the nowhere game folder, a cmd window pops up, and the screen flickers black for a second. Then it shows this

No idea what the issue is this time, it all just looks like gibberish to me, but it seems like the problem ends at where it says "Could not create GL context: (Tons of weird symbols)"

I just really want to get at this game, but all these issues are getting in my way. Anyways, thanks for reading.


  • I don't know exactly what that means, but my best guess is that openGL isn't working the way nowhere wants it to. Updating your graphics drivers could potentially fix it. There are also options to reduce the video quality, should we need to get into that. But first lets see if we can diagnose what is going wrong.

    Edit the 'nowhere.bat'. Add "--loglevel debug" to get a little more info about the crash. It should look like this:

    @echo off


    "%~dp0\python.exe" -m nowhere --fullscreen --loglevel debug %*

    Run it again then have a look at 'debuglog.txt' in your nowhere directory. If you want to post the results here, I would be happy to look at them but I am not an expert.

  • Heres what I got after I put in the debug, I put in both what I edited, and what the result after was.

    I'm not sure that cmd window was the 'debuglog.txt' you were referring to, but could you tell me exactly where 'debuglog.txt' is and I'd be happy to get you a picture of what the result on there was too.

    Thanks for the response.

  • Ooh! My apologies on the photo's text being so small to read. I don't know how to make it bigger, but right-click ''view image in another tab'' makes it bigger and easier to read.

  • The 'debuglog.txt' should generate in the same folder as 'nowhere.bat'. But looking at the info in the screenshot I'm guessing that you probably need to update your video drivers.

  • edited February 2014

    INFO:beige.config:Loading game info from C:\Users\Matthew\Downloads\nowhere-a91-win32\data\game.json
    INFO:beige.config:Loading config from C:\Users\Matthew\AppData\Roaming\duangle\nowhere\settings.json
    INFO:liminal.model:Loading C:\Users\Matthew\Downloads\nowhere-a91-win32\data\main.project...
    INFO:liminal.model:Loaded project nowhere
    DEBUG:beige.system:Peeking for GL information...
    INFO:beige.system:GL Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
    INFO:beige.system:GL Renderer: GeForce GTS 240/PCI/SSE2
    INFO:beige.system:GL Version: 3.0.0
    INFO:beige.system:GL Shadermodel: 1.30 NVIDIA via Cg compiler
    INFO:beige.system:GL Context Major Version: 2
    INFO:beige.system:GL Context Minor Version: 1
    INFO:beige.system:GL_MAJOR_VERSION: 3
    INFO:beige.system:GL_MINOR_VERSION: 0
    INFO:beige.system:MAX_DRAW_BUFFERS: 8
    INFO:beige.system:MAX_ELEMENTS_INDICES: 1048576
    INFO:beige.system:MAX_ELEMENTS_VERTICES: 1048576
    INFO:beige.system:MAX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS: 32
    INFO:beige.system:MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE: 8192
    INFO:beige.system:MAX_RECTANGLE_TEXTURE_SIZE: 8192
    INFO:beige.system:MAX_3D_TEXTURE_SIZE: 2048
    INFO:beige.system:Initializing SDL subsystem...
    INFO:beige.system:Setting GL context version to 3.2
    INFO:beige.system:Creating window (1920x1080 x:0 y:0)
    INFO:beige.system:Video Quality: 4
    INFO:beige.system:Creating context...

    That's what came out of debuglog.txt

    I've completely updated everything needed with the link you provided me (Thanks) but I'm still getting the same error.

  • Your drivers are still OpenGL 3.0 and shadermodel 1.3. I thought your Nvidia GTS 240 would be able to run something a little higher. Mine looks similar except I am running OpenGL 4.4. I could be wrong but I think the issue is after "INFO:beige.system:Setting GL context version to 3.2". Where yours breaks (after INFO:beige.system:Creating context...), mine continues on to say:

    INFO:beige.system:GL Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
    INFO:beige.system:GL Renderer: GeForce GTX 760/PCIe/SSE2
    INFO:beige.system:GL Version: 3.2.0
    INFO:beige.system:GL Shadermodel: 1.50 NVIDIA via Cg compiler
    INFO:beige.system:GL Context Major Version: 3
    INFO:beige.system:GL Context Minor Version: 2

    I think that OpenGL 3.2 may be the minimum requirement and that nowhere forces mine to do some kind of temporary soft downgrade from 4.4 to 3.2. Where yours is trying to upgrade from 3.0 to 3.2. The strange thing is that I have a GTX 260 in another computer which supported 2.1 at launch but now can support 3.3. Your GTS 240 supported 3.0 at launch, but is still at 3.0. It is possible (however unlikely) that Nvidia never updated your drivers.

    I just checked wikipedia and it claims the GTS240 is capable of running GL3.3. So here are the possible causes of your problem:

    • The graphics driver upgrade didn't work properly. Try this automated tool to make sure you have the latest drivers
    • The info in the debuglog.txt hasn't updated. Delete it and try the 'nowhere.bat' again to generate a new one and see if it changes.
    • Wikipedia might be wrong.

    I hope this helps. If it doesn't we will need to ask someone with more experience for help.

  • INFO:beige.config:Loading game info from C:\Users\Matthew\Downloads\nowhere-a91-win32\data\game.json
    INFO:beige.config:Loading config from C:\Users\Matthew\AppData\Roaming\duangle\nowhere\settings.json
    INFO:liminal.model:Loading C:\Users\Matthew\Downloads\nowhere-a91-win32\data\main.project...
    INFO:liminal.model:Loaded project nowhere
    DEBUG:beige.system:Peeking for GL information...
    INFO:beige.system:GL Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
    INFO:beige.system:GL Renderer: GeForce GTS 240/PCI/SSE2
    INFO:beige.system:GL Version: 3.0.0
    INFO:beige.system:GL Shadermodel: 1.30 NVIDIA via Cg compiler
    INFO:beige.system:GL Context Major Version: 2
    INFO:beige.system:GL Context Minor Version: 1
    INFO:beige.system:GL_MAJOR_VERSION: 3
    INFO:beige.system:GL_MINOR_VERSION: 0
    INFO:beige.system:MAX_DRAW_BUFFERS: 8
    INFO:beige.system:MAX_ELEMENTS_INDICES: 1048576
    INFO:beige.system:MAX_ELEMENTS_VERTICES: 1048576
    INFO:beige.system:MAX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS: 32
    INFO:beige.system:MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE: 8192
    INFO:beige.system:MAX_RECTANGLE_TEXTURE_SIZE: 8192
    INFO:beige.system:MAX_3D_TEXTURE_SIZE: 2048
    INFO:beige.system:Initializing SDL subsystem...
    INFO:beige.system:Setting GL context version to 3.2
    INFO:beige.system:Creating window (1920x1080 x:0 y:0)
    INFO:beige.system:Video Quality: 4
    INFO:beige.system:Creating context...

    I deleted the debuglog.txt and this same looking thing came up, I don't really see any differences except maybe extremely small ones?

    I used GE force already to update my drives, and It still won't run. I guess I'll just send this to the devs and see if more professional help will work.

    Thanks for all of your help, you definitely got me CLOSER to fixing this, but I'm not there just yet.

  • Hi, Mr. Profit. Sorry to hear you're having issues with the game. Everything DrProid wrote is correct. You will need a better driver; You may get GL 3.2+ support on Ubuntu. If you have time you could try booting a livecd, install "glxinfo", run it on the command line and check if it says GL3.2 or GL3.3 somewhere. That way you know it would run at least on some operating system.

    I want to eventually integrate a low-fi path for old graphics cards, but it will still take a while until it shows up. Until then, the game won't run on this GPU. I'm sorry. :-/

  • It's okay. Back to spore for now I guess.

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