Nowhere Development Status
Current Version: Alpha 91
Release: TBA
Last tweet: 1050 days ago

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  • Even if I'm the only active poster in this forum at the moment, I am still rooting for you guys... Sadly, I don't have any extra money at my disposal at this time. My fingers are crossed that you'll come up with a solution!
    In my oppinion, returning back to (semi-)regular new alphas would surely be a key component to success, as it might attract new customers and also new publicity because gaming sites would have something to report about Nowhere again.
    In any case, best of luck!!

  • edited September 2015
  • I agree as well. I remember posting in the spring of 2014 about how I was excited about a new alpha, which hasn't been released yet even now. I want this game to succeed so badly, but if there is no game then it can't.

    I sympathize though, I'm a perfectionist too. Just try to get something out, we're all hungry and need to be fed content!

  • edited October 2015

    What everyone else said. I forgot about this game since I donated almost a year ago, until I remembered it out of the blue just now. I hoped to come and download a new alpha, but sadly there's none. I still support you guys, though. I understand the pressures of development and creating something that you are passionate about. Take your time, but remember that it's almost always helpful to engage with your audience, both to keep them close and to learn from them. :)

  • I'd love to know what's going on. Even if it's not much, a blog post would be highly appreciated.

  • Check Leonard's devlog, he posts to Twitter about Nowhere often, and about everything else close to hourly! :P

  • edited February 2016

    Hello @Verticallity !

    @WD3k speaks the 123% the truth (thanks for explaining the situation :)).

    Here is the newest devlog entry from January 30.

    ..and here is a link to Leonard's twitter account.

    You can also join us on IRC,, #duangle if you have more questions.


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