Want to show off a funky sculpture you've made with alpha 75, or found a nice piece of alien architecture in alpha 88? Hit F2 to take a screenshot (saved in your data folder) and post it here!
Once we can edit them, I'm going to make one that looks like hello kitty. That would be funny as an initial founder creation that is shared throughout everyone's game.. hmm, wonder if I could get a licensing deal for that, lol.
My first screenshot of NOWHERE, Alpha 75:
Since I posted some pictures on the irc yesterday its time for some forum madness
Wonderful, ejtitan! Thanks for posting your pictures.
Flying lessons at NOWHERE (Alpha 91).
I have no idea what im doing here :P
As promised, here are some screenshots fresh out of alpha 91:
Magenta inferno
Yellow inferno....but what's there on the right?
A-HA! Smaller structures...
Family photo
Shadow of myself...I'm a sphere I guess. Oh well, could be worse ;-)
I'm totally HOOKED right now!
Looks a bit like mushrooms....where did you get the idea for nowhere from again? ;-)
Secret disco cave
Poor thing...it's all alone out there...
How do you get back again if you have drifted away too far? Oh. You don't.
That daddy nowherian is HUGE
I could travel through his colorful intestines and guts all day : )
Oh no! This little one is going to be absorved by The Mass. "Joooin uuuus..."

Once we can edit them, I'm going to make one that looks like hello kitty. That would be funny as an initial founder creation that is shared throughout everyone's game.. hmm, wonder if I could get a licensing deal for that, lol.