Just saw your profile message from April 29. I sadly can't get a notification from those, only from forum posts. I'm sorry .
Next time please send us an email to support [at] duangle [dot] com if you haven't heard from us in a while and we will answer in ~ 24 h.
You are verified as a founder and you should have access to the founders lounge and the release archive.
If the link above doesn't work for you, please let me know and we will solve the problem as soon as possible. This never happened before.
We are working on the new in-game editor and the next release.
Both should be ready end of this month.
Leonard is posting screenshots of the engine progress on his twitter account every day: https://twitter.com/paniq
@pokefan199 Just a heads up about your comment "Have I wasted my money". This is crowdfunding, not a pre-sale. This means that you're supporting people that develop a project you believe in, and you shouldn't demand anything in exchange -like when you make a donation.
It's sad to see how crowdfunding has been converted into a pre-seling strategy, when it's values go far beyond. So, don't worry, your money is well spent and you should be happy to help this amazing people
@pokefan199 Hello!
I'm sorry to hear that you had problems with our forum.
There are VIP news in founders lounge from September 22nd, http://nowherians.com/categories/founders.
Just saw your profile message from April 29. I sadly can't get a notification from those, only from forum posts. I'm sorry
Next time please send us an email to support [at] duangle [dot] com if you haven't heard from us in a while and we will answer in ~ 24 h.
You are verified as a founder and you should have access to the founders lounge and the release archive.
If the link above doesn't work for you, please let me know and we will solve the problem as soon as possible. This never happened before.
We are working on the new in-game editor and the next release.
Both should be ready end of this month.
Leonard is posting screenshots of the engine progress on his twitter account every day: https://twitter.com/paniq
The game engine is making great progress: https://bitbucket.org/duangle
We also posted the slides of our 5 minute talk at the GDC Europe Games Showcase in the founders lounge and on twitter:
You won't miss any news if you follow one of our accounts on twitter:
https://twitter.com/paniq , https://twitter.com/duangle, https://twitter.com/sylvia_ritter
Hope to hear from you soon!
@pokefan199 You posted on your profile that you cannot access previous builds.
I've checked your account and you should be able to access this page: http://nowherians.com/release-archive
Can you please confirm? Do you get an error message?
@pokefan199 Just a heads up about your comment "Have I wasted my money". This is crowdfunding, not a pre-sale. This means that you're supporting people that develop a project you believe in, and you shouldn't demand anything in exchange -like when you make a donation.
It's sad to see how crowdfunding has been converted into a pre-seling strategy, when it's values go far beyond. So, don't worry, your money is well spent and you should be happy to help this amazing people