I tried to run nowhere.bat in windows and all I get is a console with an error "Could not create GL context". Here is what was in the log:
INFO:beige.config:Loading game info from C:\Users\Momo\Desktop\nowhere-a91-win32\data\game.json
INFO:beige.config:Loading config from C:\Users\Momo\AppData\Roaming\duangle\nowhere\settings.json
INFO:liminal.model:Loading C:\Users\Momo\Desktop\nowhere-a91-win32\data\main.project...
INFO:liminal.model:Loaded project nowhere
INFO:beige.system:GL Vendor: Intel
INFO:beige.system:GL Renderer: Intel(R) HD Graphics 3000
INFO:beige.system:GL Version: 3.1.0 - Build
INFO:beige.system:GL Shadermodel: 1.40 - Intel Build
INFO:beige.system:GL Context Major Version: 2
INFO:beige.system:GL Context Minor Version: 1
INFO:beige.system:GL_MAJOR_VERSION: 3
INFO:beige.system:GL_MINOR_VERSION: 1
INFO:beige.system:MAX_DRAW_BUFFERS: 8
INFO:beige.system:MAX_ELEMENTS_INDICES: 1200
INFO:beige.system:MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE: 8192
INFO:beige.system:MAX_3D_TEXTURE_SIZE: 2048
INFO:beige.system:Initializing SDL subsystem...
INFO:beige.system:Setting GL context version to 3.2
INFO:beige.system:Creating window (1280x800 x:0 y:0)
INFO:beige.system:Video Quality: 4
INFO:beige.system:Creating context...
Can anyone please help?
Hi & welcome @WhYNoT ,
try to get a new graphics driver for your intel card. You will need Opengl 3.2 and it seems you've only got 3.1.
Hope I could help!
I also added/verified you as a founder to the forum.
Hi, I'm quite familiar with graphics drivers. Indeed, I updated it by getting the drivers for Intel HD 3000 under windows and I still get the error. I also tried running the game on Linux Mint, and nothing happens when I open the script. I tried updating the the driver on linux but the deb file won't run because of "unsatisfiable depends" with libglib. I suspect the issue is the integrated graphics itself so I tried putting one of my older graphics card in my PC, but my PSU isn't powerful enough.
I tried it on another PC with dedicated graphics (GTX 260), and it ran fine. The game looks beautiful btw!
I will try to run the other alphas to see if that makes a difference. I'll also try to switch out the PSU.
Thanks for the quick response and for adding me as founder
I installed Fedora because apparently it supports the Intel drivers with OpenGL 3.2 but now I get this error:
[momo@localhost ~]$ '/home/momo/Desktop/nowhere-a91-linux64/run-nowhere'
./bin/pypy: error while loading shared libraries: libssl.so.1.0.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Tested on Ubuntu. Bottom line is that OpenGL 3.2 should work on HD 3000 but it doesn't on Windows. Tried to run on Linux but I get other errors. This is super frustrating.
I have alpha 75 working by using --glarb 3.0. It looks great! Would still like to see the new alpha though...

Any chance the next alpha will bring back OpenGL compatiblility before 3.2?
I've actually also been having trouble with Alpha 91. In fact I've not been able to play it yet. Once I press play, it lags severely and the terrain never loads. I'm fine with it though, I love playing with Alpha 75
Yeah, but having tested alpha 91 on my other PC, I know that one is pretty awesome. But considering yours is just lag, you can probably run it with --video-quality 0. I have tried most of the other alphas and none seem to work
Every time I try to set the video quality to 0, it doesn't work. Also, it's not just lag, the actual objects don't render at all.
Ah, that's weird.
I think it was just my computer. I got a new computer 2 weeks ago and it works perfectly