Any news on the update? It doesn't have to be the mother of all updates. I just don't want you to miss you're chance for funding. I'm very happy with this game so far. Please don't let it die...
@Cjdron Welcome ! Added you as a founder to the forum. Concerning your question: We promised a new alpha weeks ago to our founders and it sadly took longer than expected. We are also out of food/rent money .
Cjdron, that's the part I'm worried about. "We are also out of food/rent money". A Steam release could fix that if there is a little more "game" to it. I am very worried that this will die and it's such an awesome idea and start to the game.
I really want to help with alpha testing as well but I'm dyslexic so I would end up making more of a mess than helping, lol. Best I can do is cheer and donate funds. I do wish there was something more tangible that I could help with though.
@RagerX Thanks for asking and your kind words. We want/need to release the new alpha on Tuesday. Sorry for the delay! It won't die
Can I ask, out of curiosity, why do you "need" to release it on Tuesday?
Not that I don't want you to do it...
@Cjdron Welcome
! Added you as a founder to the forum. Concerning your question: We promised a new alpha weeks ago to our founders and it sadly took longer than expected. We are also out of food/rent money
Cjdron, that's the part I'm worried about. "We are also out of food/rent money". A Steam release could fix that if there is a little more "game" to it. I am very worried that this will die and it's such an awesome idea and start to the game.
Supported as a patron on patreon. Hope that helps.
Also, thanks for taking the time to answer questions and post the hard facts.
I'd still rather help test the alpha before a Steam release. I just wish there was a way for you to make more money while doing that.
I really want to help with alpha testing as well but I'm dyslexic so I would end up making more of a mess than helping, lol. Best I can do is cheer and donate funds. I do wish there was something more tangible that I could help with though.